Status of Charge sheet
1. The
charge sheet in respect of Ram Chander Soni & Krishan Kumar has
been filed by the Economic Offences Wing on 30 Oct 2017. It runs into
7800 pages. The important pages are at attachment. The salient points
(a) 3203 investors who have paid to AMR.
(b) Only 410 complainants so far.
(c) Next date of hearing (NDOH) is 04 Dec 2017.
(d) The charges are Sections 409 / 420 / 120. Only charge 409 of siphoning of funds can get them 10 years in prison and no bail.
(e) Will the charges stick ? Very debatable.
(f) Please share the charge sheet copy with your lawyers and journalists.
(g) Please ensure all investors police complaints are filed.
Status of Case of 70 lakhs of Cheque Bouncing of Mr Gautam Kapoor
2. Mr Gautam Kapoor had a lot of sympathy for Krishan Kumar. The old man is 68 years old.
3. Krishan Kumar lied in Court on 30 Oct 2017 that his signed cheques were stolen and he never gave 18 cheques.
4. Now trial has commenced and let the court decide.
5. Deserves no mercy. 100 days in Jail has not reformed KK but made him worse.
Status of AMR Site
6. Bad to worse. Overgrown jungle.
Status in National Company Law Tribunal
7. The NDOH is 16 Nov 2017.
8. The
body of AMR Infrastructures has been on a ventilator for many years. It
cannot be revived by AMR (Arun Soni Manoj Soni Ram Chander Soni).
9. By keeping it alive only hospital bills will increase.
Way Ahead
10. AMR will not open their purse strings till the time the balance two of AMR (Arun Soni & Manoj Soni get arrested)
or their boys Prashant or Naveen Soni. Wait for a few more weeks before
they break. The site or your money is not running away.
11. NCLT
cannot hold on to their judgment forever. Wait for a few more days
before an Insolvency Resolution Professional gets appointed by the
12. Arrest of Ashish Gupta (absconding) or Ankit Gupta is irrelevant because they were and are NOBODY.
13. Cases
to filed against Handyman 4 U Pvt Ltd, AMR Infra Solutions Pvt Ltd etc.
Shut down all their businesses. Bleed them through a thousand cuts as
they have done that to you.
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